There are several millions of cells that are changing, regenerating as well as constantly renewing within the human body. All of the activities of these cells are emitting electromagnetic waves of energy whose frequencies or resonance can be measured scientifically with the help of the quantum ultrasound process.
The quantum ultrasound would be rapidly reading the electromagnetic resonance of the cells within the body systems producing a set of data just by holding a sensor in hand. This is the data that is analyzed and then compared with the standard spectrum of quantum resonance. Any kind of variations from the standards would indicate the health issues that need to be addressed.
How Ultrasound Works
Quantum ultrasound would be working by bouncing off the sound waves from an object and listening to the returning sound waves. These sound waves are then measured that can help in creating an image of how the object would look as the sound waves are bouncing on the nearby features of the objects that are returning faster than the sound waves that are bouncing off the distant features of the items here. There are distinctive directions along with the pitches that would depend on whether the sound wave has bounced off the curve of an internal organ along with the density of the thick tissue or the fluid.
The technician performing this ultrasound would use a transducer hand-held for both of which would be sending the sound waves into the body along with receiving the echoing sound waves during an examination. The device would be sending small pulses of inaudible higher-frequency sound waves into the body of the patient when the technician presses this transducer against the skin.
In the quantum ultrasound process, the sound waves would be bouncing off the internal organs, fluids, and even the tissues for returning to the transducer that would be recording the smaller changes in the pitch as well as the direction of the sound. A computer will then be used for displaying and measuring the signature waves for creating the real-time image over the computer. These moving images are then captured by the technician, thereby offering a prognosis of the issue underlying your body.
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