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Everything you need to know before your X-ray examination

An X-ray or Radiography is commonly used by doctors to determine fractures or infections in the bones. Small amounts of ionised radiation are used to produce images of the inside.

Typically, your physician might order you to get an x-ray in Scarborough done for:

  • Broken bones
  • Dislocated joints
  • Arthritis
  • Unusual abdominal pain
  • Identifying benign or cancerous tumours
  • Tooth decay
Best provider of X-ray In Scarborough

Apart from these, x-rays can also be used to diagnose digestive tract problems or accidental swallowing of a foreign object by a child or an adult. X-rays also help in checking the lungs for signs of pneumonia or tuberculosis in case of shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.

What happens during the x-ray process?

In most cases, you won’t be asked to do any special preparations for your x-ray in Scarborough. However, it is essential to remove any obstructive substance such as jewellery, watch, sunglasses, or any other metallic object to give the radiologist a clear view of the problematic area. 
Depending upon the area being assessed, your doctor might ask you to lie down or stand up for the examination. The x-ray machine then sends a radiation beam through your body to obtain the inside images. On X-rays, dense materials such as bone appear white and softer tissues like muscle and fat appear grey. The air in your lungs will appear black.

What does an X-ray feel like?

X-ray examination only takes up to a few minutes and is a pain-free method. Your radiologist will give you some instructions for the process to go smoothly. Listen to the instructions attentively and hold still to provide a clear picture. Your radiologist might ask you to hold your breath for a clearer picture.
In some cases, the doctor might ask you to take a contrast agent like barium or iodine to get an even better view.

How to prepare for an X-ray?

Most routine x-rays don’t require you to follow any special procedures. But it is still wise to follow these tips to make the process seamless:
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothes
  • Leave unnecessary metallic objects at home
  • Ask your doctor if you need to be fasting
  • Empty your bladder before entering the x-ray room
  • Show up early to your appointment.
Your doctor or the radiologist will guide you through the entire process. Don’t forget to ask any questions you have to avoid getting anxious later.


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